Thursday, October 9, 2014

Circuits Tutorial, Part 1

This is part 1 of 4 tutorials in the basics of circuits and electronics.  After you have watched each video, e-mail me.  I will send you a quick assignment related to the contents of the video.  It might be an exercise where you calculate something, maybe describe a circuit, or something along those lines. Send your answers to me by any means you have available.  (I would avoid the regular mail system.  E-mail works well.)  The form of your answer is up to you.  You can write it out on paper and send me a scan.  You can send me an audio file of you describing your answer.  You can send me a video file of your solution (might be overkill).

Each assignment is worth 10 points.  With the author's permission, I will post the best answers on this blog.

These tutorials take time to absorb.  Please pay close attention to them, minimizing other distractions.

If you have questions about the videos, don't hesitate to e-mail me, or even better, ask the question as a comment below the video.  If you have a question about the material, it's likely that half the class has the same question!  Remember - there are no dumb questions.

Finally, please note that I am not the author of these videos.  These are from the Khan Academy.  All hail Salman Khan!

1 comment:

  1. The man explaining the video did a really good job of making it simple enough for me a, Bio Major to understand.


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