Hello Everyone!! I am Brandon Hardy, the silent black kid in the back. I am a fan of engineering, buuuut not so much for physics (BAD HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER). I enjoy chemistry and I aspire to be a biomedical engineer in my future. Specific events may change what I want to do in the future and I would like to think of Engineering physics as one of those specific courses that may have the most influence in changing my career. Overall math is fun to me so I can't hate physics but I have a lukewarm opinion of the course. I did take nanotechnology so I have an idea of some of the advanced concepts of physics like the quantum mechanics. We already discussed light-wave duality in the earlier classes so I'll throw out another quantum mechanic that we MIGHT discuss in the future. Quantum tunneling...... Fun stuff. Enjoy class. I'll enjoy my 10/10 on this assignment :)